About me

Hi, I'm Natalija, embroidery artist from Vilnius, Lithuania. 

Handcrafting has always been a big part of my life. I started crocheting at the age of 5, knitting at the age of 9. My mother knitted orders for clients and I started knitting to order at the age of 13. I didn’t knit much during my studies. After my studies (I have a bachelor’s degree in education) I started looking for a job. For several years I have been knitting and crocheting for some of the most famous Lithuanian designers. My first serious job was as an editor for a craft magazine, so more different handicrafts came back into my life. I have prepared many articles about them, have written 3 books: about knitting techniques, handicrafts for children and ribbon embroidery. The book about ribbon embroidery was my beginning as an embroidery artist. For this book in 2013 I created my first embroidered gloves design and since then I dived deeper into embroidery. I have been a full time embroidery artist since 2014 and embroidery has become a big part of my life and lifestyle. I love hiking and macro photography (not as a professional), so nature is my biggest inspiration.